Have Some Fun
The mind must be replenished with leisure, Athenodorus believed, or it was likely to break under pressure, or be susceptible to vices.
~Lives of the Stoics, Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman
The other day at a church board meeting, we had a brief discussion regarding the concern some had over my lack of vacation-taking. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m bad about taking vacation. I haven’t had a Sunday off in 5–6 months at this point. I’m supposed to have 4 each year. I’m grateful to have a congregation that is looking out for me. They know I need some time away, and are encouraging me to take it.
It’s been a busy time in the church. We just finished up Holy Week, and we had services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and two on Easter. I crashed on the couch more than once in the last week. On top of the extra busyness, sleep has been difficult lately. Kids waking up in the middle of the night, a dog that wants to go outside at 2:00AM, or another night when the dog threw up at 3:30AM. Twice in the last week, I woke up at 4:00AM and couldn’t get back to sleep. I actually had planned on watching a movie one night after the kids went to bed, but was so tired, that I was in bed by 9:00 that night.
In addition to my regular duties around the church, I was scheduled to teach a district Lay Servant class. I actually got an email this week that the class was canceled because of low registration numbers, so that’s one less thing to worry about. As the registrar of what’s called the DCOM (district committee on ministry), I have to get things ready for annual interviews with about 25-30 local pastors in my district (at a time when our online system is down as it gets transitioned to a new system). None of this is too much on its own, but it does seem to all bunch up at the same time.
Let’s not forget that I have two kids and a wife that I want to spend time with as well. The kids are getting involved in activities now too, which means there are a lot of practices, games and recitals coming up in the next few weeks. And, with spring finally upon us, it’s time to get the yard looking good once again. Soon, it will be time to put in the garden, which I have big plans for this year.
It’s a busy time. But, I realize, everybody is busy. I’m not complaining about my busyness over and above anybody else’s. In fact, I think what I’m saying here can be pretty applicable to any of you who may be reading it right now.
So, what are we to do?
Finding a balance is always difficult, but we have to do it. One thing I’ve learned in my own life, and have seen in others time and time again, is that if we don’t take the rest we need, our bodies will do it for us. We have to be able to enjoy life, or else there’s really no point in any of the work we are doing.
Thankfully, I enjoy my job, and even when I have a lot to do, there is a sense of fulfillment in doing it. It’s more than just something to pay the bills. It’s a calling in my life. But I realize not everybody has this experience.
So, let me encourage you today: say no to something. You’re schedule is full as it is. You don’t need to add another project to your list. Take a couple of days, and just spend some time doing what you love. You’ll find that these times of leisure will be renewing and refreshing, and you’ll be able to tackle those projects you already have on your list with a newly found vigor.